Monday, February 18, 2013

A Musical Journey

It never ceases to amaze me how God allows His light to shine through darkness.  It reminds me of a big shade tree, and how in the shadow of the tree, rays of light outline the intricate pattern of the tree's limbs and leaves upon the surface of the ground.  One can learn a lot about the tree from the shadow.  The shadow's pattern depicts limbs that are barren and fighting for re-growth, some that haven't achieved fullness like the others, and still many that are bursting forth with life.  In the same way, God is shining His light through our family's tree.  And though His light is casting many unique shadows as it radiates through our lives, something quite magnificent is springing forth through our daughter, Lydia.  And it all began with a simple song.

Lydia and I wrote a song:  "All For You" about Hope and Charlie last summer.  Our goal was to capture our love for them and the impact they have had on our lives with lyric.  And with the help of a dear friend and his wife, we recently released a music video of the song.    

If you'll recall, a few years ago, Lydia raised $26,000.00 that went toward saving two incredible little orphaned girls who have Down syndrome.  One came from Russia, the other from the Ukraine.  Both girls are thriving with their forever families in the United lives only minutes away from us.

Because Lydia's life passion is to advocate for the special needs community, she decided to use this new music video to attempt to raise funds for 5 orphans who have special needs.  Her goal?  $50,000.00.  

It will not surprise you to learn most people have told Lydia she is nuts....and that her goal is an impossible one.  But that is exactly what was said the year she raised the $26,000.00.  Good thing for us, we know that Lydia was never responsible for raising those funds three years ago....and she won't be responsible for raising the money this time either.  We believe with whole hearts that "All Things Are Possible With God!"  And so, if it is HIS will.....this will happen.  And all glory will go to Him!

By simply watching the video link below, you can be a part of saving the lives of 5 orphans who have special needs.  It only costs your time. 

View the video here:  

View pictures of the 5 precious children here:

We are calling this the "RESCUE 5 PROJECT" and have created tshirts with all proceeds going toward this effort:   

(Update on Natalie----we had a tremendous break-thru last week during a joint counseling session and are beyond thankful for all of your prayers.  Prayer really does change things!  It's all about the baby steps....simply placing one foot in front of the other and continuing in the right direction.  Bless you all!)

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