Like many of you, I want to wear clothing that accomplishes two things. First, I desire to promote positive attitudes about causes I care about. And second, I want to spark meaningful conversation that will create change.
If you click the links below, you will find a description giving meaning to the designs we created. Each can be placed on a number of different products within Zazzle, generating different price points to accomodate every budget.
Lydia is currently raising money to fund the adoption of 5 orphans who have special needs. You can read more about it here:
The Rescue 5 Project
Proceeds from all sales will go to fund the Rescue 5 Project.

The R Word Hurts Tee Shirts by Squidmunkee
Shop for custom t shirts online at Zazzle

I See You Shirt by Squidmunkee
Create unique custom shirts no minimum.
P.S. For all who continue to pray and ask about our Natalie, she is doing well. I will post an update next week with some quotes from her letters.
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