Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Answer Could Be Bubble Wrap

Little Hopey is closing in on five. She wants to climb stairs without using a rail, eat food with a fork independently, and change her own clothes. There is a slight problem, however. While the desire is evident, her body is just not ready.

Each time she starts to step down a set of stairs without hanging on to a rail, I freeze with panic expecting the fall......each time she refuses to eat unless I allow her to use a fork, I dread the bath that will follow where I have to literally pull food out of individual strands of hair with my fingernails.....and when she runs to me completely nude with a huge grin on her face after successfully taking off ALL of her clothes for the fifteenth time in a day, I finally give up and let her be a little nudist. Such is life with Hope.

Yesterday, Chappy and I were pulling some weeds from the yard with Hopey playing close by. We heard a loud scream and both recognized the sound: ACCIDENT! We turned to look at the side of Hopey's face covered in blood. I scooped her up and ran inside with Chappy following. It took four of us to hold that little tiger down so Chappy could clean her up---(so much for low muscle tone, huh?). She probably needed a little stitch, but we decided the trauma of a white coat would be worse than working a bit longer than usual to get the blood to stop.
Finally, after an hour of screaming, Hopey settled down and rested her weary body on my chest. As I sat reflecting over my life with her, mindful of the huge scar down her chest from three open-heart surgeries, I decided my answer might be: Bubble Wrap!!! While other children will frolic off to preschool in their cute new school clothes this August, Hopey very well may be sporting a bubble wrap dress with a BIG matching bubble wrap headband to boot!
Is that legal???


  1. You buy it and I will stitch it!!! So glad she is ok!

  2. So glad it wasn't anything to serious. At least she would be safe in her bubble wrap!! You could even do color bubble wrap, pink, yellow!! Thinking of you guys!

  3. Your daughter is just so adorable. When I look at her pictures it takes me back a few years when my daughter was a bit younger.

  4. I sure wish it was legal ;) Man, forget the bubble about a perfectly padded room that they don't ever have to leave and experience the pain of this world. I guess if we locked them up then they couldn't be used by our our Lord :) It's so tough being a mama!!! Hugs!!
