But let's say before having you choose, I present you with the following:

I open the brown paper sack to let you view its contents.....a shiny diamond ring!

NOW, which would you choose???
Interesting, huh?
This is the most perfect picture I can use to demonstrate our gifts.....Hope and Charlie. They have Down Syndrome, so their "package" isn't so lovely. They come with heart defects, vision issues, hearing problems, and thyroid conditions. They are slow to speak, slow to walk, and can be quite clumsy from time to time. They are short in stature, their eyes slant upward, and their ears are a bit small. As a result, people miss the contents!
Hidden inside the crumpled up, imperfect package, however, is a priceless gift......one who will never look for the bad in others, one who will trust unconditionally, one who won't be caught judging others based on skin color or social status, one who will never care to have the latest gadget, one who strives to acheive inspite of limitations, and one who loves completely with all he/she has to give.
The "GIVER" of the old wrinkled sack is God, because every single gift comes from Him. Maybe He is teaching us something through the gift called Down Syndrome. Probably something much deeper than: "Never judge a book by the cover". Would you agree He might want us to learn that worth should never be placed on something because of an outer appearance or even an IQ test, because God, the ultimate "Giver", judges the heart above everything else. What if they are here to remind us what is truly important in life?
As for me, through our little "gifts", I've learned to appreciate (and even choose) the paper sack!
"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness---secret riches" (Isaiah 45)
Mel, this was a great post. It's funny but I can't possibly picture our little Hopey as that crumpled paper bag... I look at those photos and think of her looking up at me through those thick lenses and the thought of her being a paper bag makes me laugh!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the song that Lydia wrote. Wow, what a heart that girl has.
I finally watched the video. She's about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
I haven't forgotten our conversation. I'm wrestling it out with God, but I need prayers.... I'm so tired!
Love you sister!
Count me in for a montly commitment for the 100 for 200 in 2010. Not sure how much but will pray on it and email you soon. Your story is moving in my life and I will explain that in my e-mail. What a roller coaster ride this life can be! A friend told me today that if you can think of it that isn't it because God thinks so much bigger than we ever can. I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great analogy. Your family is making a huge impact on those around you!
ReplyDeleteJust started following your blog and I love this post! I have a 6 month old who has DS. We knew before he was born he would have it so we were prepared. I totally feel that God is trying to show people something through Down syndrome! I know people think it's a cliche when you say children and people with DS are like angels and I'm not saying that but just as you said- they have unconditional love, they don't judge, they strive to be better, they trust everyone-are they not truly how God wants all of us to be? There is something to that.
ReplyDeleteI admire your family and your daughter and other families that are helping these children have a good life and giving them the chance they deserve! God bless your family!
Very well said and thought provoking! I saw a waiting child a few weeks ago, and if we had of been signed with that agency.. I think I would have taken the referral! She was a doll. I think what you are doing, and the response you are getting is so inspiring. These children truly are a gift from God and I'm so glad to see so many people helping you!
ReplyDeleteI have always felt one of the greatest gifts for us, that came packaged as Down syndrome, was a new perspective about what is really important.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful post. My son is one year old and we have been on quite the journey. I love the quote that you have shared from the bible. I am not really religious but have been taken a new look at religion since my son was born. It's a transforming experience having a child with ds. I am still learning. Again thanks for this post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post. All our children are a gift from God. I am so glad I stumbled on your blog. You are such an inspiration to me and so many others.
I struggle with seeing those with DS as the "paper bag" growing up with a cousin with DS has just given me a different perspective. BUT I can completely understand the point you are trying to make. Thank you for the visual.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is 15 months old and she also has Down syndrome. She is absolutely 100% PURE joy. I sat up with her until 3AM last night while she was just not sleepy and wanted to sing. Every second was pure joy. It's just the craziest thing. She's the best thing that has ever happen to our family. And to think that I actually cried when I heard the diagnosis. Pssshhh! I don't cry anymore! The 90% of women who chose abortion over parenting an angel on Earth just have NO clue what they are missing.
Love your post. I work with children with DS every day and they are my very favorite...you have two very precious gifts...and #3 on the way!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. Hope all of you are doing well. I am so proud of Lydia, please tell her for me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and inspiring post! I adopted a deaf child off of RR 11 weeks ago. A few weeks ago I was back on the website looking at DS children. I stopped at the one of the little girl you now committed to. PRAISE GOD!! She stole my heart and I so wanted her to have a home. Thank you for loving these precious angels.
ReplyDeleteI totally love this post.....do you mind me posting it on my blog??