Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We Are Back from the Cardiologist Appointment

The first photo is Hope looking away from Dr. Doyle, her cardiologist, in hopes that if she ignores him long enough, he'll go away. The second is Hope's happy, but still a bit apprehensive, face when there are no docs or nurses in the room. She is still very afraid when we pull into the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, but who can blame her?
The report: Hope has a little backflow issue with her aortic valve and the "Love Balloon" remains an issue as well. We will take her back in six months to evaluate for changes; if there are none, she will not have to be seen for another six months.
On a positive note, we met a terrific family at the hospital this morning who also has a four year old with Down Syndrome. His name is Ben. Ben's father is a Delta Ranger, Special Forces, and has served our country in the military for 24 years. I mentioned the club a parent automatically becomes a part of when he/she has a child with Down Syndrome in a post a few weeks ago. It is amazing, but true. Meeting this family from Kentucky today was like seeing old friends we have known our entire lives. When you have special needs children in common, there is a unique bond that is created.....it is just one of the many perks, I guess.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts today. We will continue to walk in faith daily for our little girly girl.
"Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists" Hebrews 11:1


  1. You were in my thoughts all day today, not just because of your appt - I made your pinto bean recipe this morning and smelled it all afternoon! ;-)

    That girly girl couldn't be more beautiful. I am so happy to hear that you met another family in our "club". It is always nice to encounter people who walk in our shoes and totally get what we are about.

  2. Hope wouldn't be Hope if she didn't have hurdles to overcome now would she? She is a strong little girl who is loved by so many. Not the best report you could ask for and hopefully over the next 6 months there won't be any dramatic changes. You know I will pray for her everyday. I am so glad you were able to meet such a special family. I am sure you touched their lives as they did yours. You guys are pretty special yourselves. Hugs to all of you.

  3. How sweet she looks in all that PINK! Chappy could almost pass for a doctor! We loved the video of Charlie. He looks for you when you stop tickling him .... how sweet! Love you all,

  4. Umm … I'm not sure where to go with this. I was over at Gwen Oatvall's blog and saw a button with a beautiful little girl in it. I thought "I've seen this little girl somewhere before."

    I was at Vandy on Tuesday to see Dr. D with my little girl. We sat across from you all in the waiting area and went down to Xrays right after you. As soon as I clicked over to your blog from the button on Gwen's blog, I saw your older daughter and just about fell out of my chair b/c I remember seeing her in the waiting area in Xray area.

    OBVIOUSLY, I am meant to pray for Hope. Our daughter was healed by the mighty hand of God. We had little hope when we got to China to bring her home but God moved mountains. Please read her story if you feel led over at my blog:

    roomforatleastonemore (dot) wordpress (dot) com

    You can read about her journey home and her OHS back in Sept/Oct 08. In the meantime, let me know if you'd ever like to sit and chat and pray over a cup of coffee!

  5. Sounds like you met Teresa...Ben is 4, Wow.
