Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dad Is Out of Town....Can You Tell???

When dad goes out the door to leave town on business, many of the house rules go out the door with him.....especially the ones having to do with bedtime. Our evenings without dad consist of take-out pizza and late night movies piled in my bed with occasional tickle fights. All 6 of us! We miss dad when he's gone, don't get me wrong, but we put forth our very best effort to make the most from his absence.
Chappy has been gone since early Sunday morning, so the kids have had 2 late nights in a row.....a bit much for the 2 little ones. Today, the little night owls finally gave up the fight to keep up with the big kids and passed out asleep right where they were. These are pictures I took around 4pm this afternoon; aren't they dear?
You've gotta give 'em credit. Hope and Charlie may have extra chromosomes, and while everyone else may know about it, they don't seem to. Each day, they do their best to keep up with the big kids around the house, and I love 'em for it!!!
"Rest, little Hope and Charlie, in the Lord....." Psalm 37:7


  1. Melanie, how precious!!!! I love you guys.

    Sarah H.

  2. Hey Melanie! Tell all the gang that I said hello. My prayers are with Chappy while he is away and with all of you. Are the kiddos dressing up for Halloween? Can't wait to see pictures if they are. Hope you are doing good too!

  3. Melanie, those pictures are precious - fun till you drop - it can't get much better than that!

    LOVE you guys <3<3<3

  4. ABSOLUTELY LOVE the new family pic!!!!!

    Sarah H.

  5. What a handsome family! Love the picture.
