Thursday, October 22, 2009

Follow Up Appointment Day!

We took Hopey back for her follow-up appointment with the surgeon today. Everything looks good! The surgeon will continue to evaluate her "Love Balloon" regularly, and we'll continue to hope and pray for no changes. As long as things remain the same, nothing more will need to be done! We are just trusting the Lord with Hope's little heart.

Have you seen the movie, "Faith Like Potatoes"?? We watched the movie last Saturday; the movie is available on DVD now. If you are looking for something that will inspire your family, I would suggest you find the movie and watch it this weekend. It is based on a true story about a farmer in Africa, and it has challenged our family to think more about life.....what our brief time on earth should be about.....the purpose of it all.

As believers, I guess if we really believe we will face the Almighty some day.....I mean believe it deep in our souls.......we will live our faith out every single moment......always mindful of the greater call in our lives.....the Kingdom that is to come! While this means different things to each of us, all of us who believe should be seeking ways to actively live out our faith in some tangible way.....continuing to dig deeper, stretch ourselves a bit further, give of ourselves until we are uncomfortable.....even giving sacrificially.....out of our love for the One who redeemed us and saved us. Knowing for certain, the day will come when our actions on earth are manifested in Glory.

Giving money is easy for many of us. It is a guilt-easer too. I know I've been guilty of throwing money at a problem.....letting someone else do the grunt work while I sat by feeling good about my "donation". Giving of our time, our talents, and our gifts......sharing our family......that's much more difficult.

Does that mean adopting an orphan who has been left with no family? Yes. Feeding the hungry? Yes. Loving the unloveable? Yes. Clothing the poor? Yes. Inviting those who are suffering hardships into our homes? Yes. Caring for Widows? Yes. If we, as a group, believe James 1:27 is accurate, then Yes: "Pure religion in the sight of God is this: to take care of widows and orphans who are suffering and to keep oneself unstained by the world".

You all know the list as much as I do; but isn't it difficult to schedule time for others? to be inconvenienced for others?

"Whatever you have done for the least of have done it for Me." The message that keeps ringing in my ear is the Father's voice saying: "How much do you love Me?" "What will you do for Me?" Over the last few months, my heart has been answering: "Anything".....The movie, "Faith Like Potatoes", just further confirmed it to me. If you take time to watch the movie, I am certain it will confirm the same in your spirit.

Chappy is going to have an awesome opportunity to do some mission work in Africa very soon. I am incredibly excited for him! Upon his return, I will be eager to sit down and hear how the Lord used the experience to speak new things to him. I know it is going to be life-changing. Who knows what will come from it? Something I do know, is that we are willing and open for God's "Anything".


  1. So glad to hear that Hope is getting back to her mischievious self!!!

    Continued Prayers,
    Hannah's Mom

  2. Glad to hear you got a good report. Go Hopey!! Have a blessed weekend.

  3. So glad that things went well with the doctor! Prayers still coming from here, too!
